Dive In

Discussion Questions on Sunday's Sermon

October 13, 2024

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This page is usually updated by Sunday morning for the sermon it pertains to: so check back morning of!

2 Corinthians 9:6-15

1. What stands out to you from hearing these verses?  Is God offering an invitation or a challenge to you through those words?  Take time to pray about it.

2. In what ways do you give your time, talents, or treasures (money) back to God?  Would you call it generous?

3. Where does generosity and giving begin?  What do we learn about generosity and giving from there?

4. What makes it hard for you to give of what you have?  Do you find your sense of security or well-being from the things you have or the things you do?

5. What does being a “hilarious giver” mean?  What are some examples of it from the Bible?  In what ways is it a description that fits God?

6. Trusting in God, with your eyes fixed on Him as the “supplier of seeds,” how might you sow generously, with a hilarious generosity this next week?  

To listen to the sermon again on our Wilderness Wanderings Podcast page, click/tap here


24-10-13 Dive In.pdf